The early potentials we saw that were chased by the Bringers.
In order of apperance:

Istanbul Potential

Name: Unknown
Last location: Istanbul
Apperance: "Lessons"
Cause of death: Bringers

German Potential

Name: Unknown
Last location: Frankfurt, Germany
Apperance: "Beneath You"
Quote: "From beneath you, it devours."
Interesting fact: Buffy saw her in a dream.
Cause of death: Bringers
Pop culture reference: Alias and Run Lola Run

Actress: Tess Hall (as "Punk Girl")


Last location: London, England
Apperance: "Sleeper"
Watcher: Robson, the watcher that Giles saved before becoming almost headless
Cause of death: Bringers

Actress: Lindy Christopher


Edited and done by Gerald Conde